Also called Biochemic Salts, the Scheussler Cell Salts were originally developed by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a german doctor from the 19th century. Dr. Schuessler was inspired by the work of Rudolph Virchow, a theorist and scientist who later became known as the father of cell theory and the Chief Founder of Modern Scientific Medicine. Virchow believed that "life was essentially cell activity", and that the life of the body was dependent on the life of its cells.
“Every form of suffering is only based on a disorder in the cells. Only the cell can become sick- the cell, the smallest functioning unit of the human body.”
This nourishment is the inorganic material used by the cells to allow normal function of the human body; also known as minerals. These essential minerals come together in chemical compounds to create cell salts.
Schuessler deeply studied human blood and even human ashes after death. He began to isolate minerals from these various tissues and discovered twelve basic mineral compounds that he referred to as cell salts. These were thought to be the most important because he believed they were what actually made up the tissues of the human body and occurred naturally.
He theorized that when the body became deficient in any of these minerals, a disease or condition would be the result. The way to correct this, was to correct the mineral balances supplied to the cells.
Schuessler then developed a more nutritional approach to medicine and began to develop the 12 basic cell salts for oral use in homeopathic form. They are available in lower homeopathic potencies which allows for repletion as well as for the body to use only what is needed and increase absorption of the cell salt from the diet.
The Carroll Food Intolerance Evaluation can tell us what cell salts you may be deficient in. If found, they are generally listed on the last page of your dietary recommendation report. We recommend taking 3 tabs 3 times per day until they are no longer sweet tasting to you. They will taste sweet as long as you are deficient. Once the taste changes and they become bitter, salty or just different, you may discontinue them. Don't throw the bottle away though! You could become deficient in these cell salts again, so keep them on hand to taste test from time to time.
So what are the 12 Cell Salts?
Excerpts from Scheussler’s Biochemistry: An Exploration into the Benefits of Cell Salt Remedies Hillary Barrera Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education
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Calc. Fluor., is a remedy made using the chemical compound calcium fluoride. It is known as a natural producer of suppleness and elasticity, is found in the bone covering, teeth enamel, blood vessel walls, skin cells and is a prime ingredient in elastic fibers of the body. Ailments suggesting the need for Calcarea Fluorica are aneurysms, bone diseases and bone pain, cataracts, cold sores, colds, coughs, postnasal drip, flatulence, gout, hardening of tissue, herpes, hemorrhoids, Hodgkin’s disease, low back pain, nodes and any part of the body, strains, varicose veins, and wrinkles. Calc. Fluor is essential to the connective tissue of the body.
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Calc. Phos., the abbreviation, is made from calcium phosphate, and is also called phosphate of lime. Calcarea Phosphorica is found in bones, cartilage, tendons, inner parts of teeth, and digestive fluid. Constituting about 57% of bone tissue, this cell salt is used like cement when combined with protein. Prominent in bone tissue, it is also a main constituent of all the cells and fluids in the body. Recognized as a good general tonic for all cellular activity, this cell salt will promote feelings of overall wellness. Common uses of and conditions that suggests Calcarea Phosphorica are anemia, arthritis, bone inflammation, brittle or soft bones, fractures of all kinds, broken bones, colds with a sore throat, colic, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, eczema, gout, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, backache, palpitation, teething problems, tonsillitis, weakness with exhaustion, trembling and delayed recovery, cavities of teeth, and weight gain and obesity. A mental symptom of a person who may need Calc. Phos. is the displaying of an overall fogginess, slowness, or incapacity to concentrate.
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Calc. Sulph. is the abbreviation, it is made from calcium sulfate, and is also known as plaster of Paris or gypsum. It is found in epithelial tissue and in the blood for clotting. Calc. Sulph. is known as a powerful healer and purifier of the blood, and because of this, it is used for infections, pus, and general toxicity of the body. Its detoxifying qualities are showcased as it eliminates waste materials and prevents new infection. Common uses and conditions that suggests the need for the cell salt are abscesses, burns, acne, colds, sore throat glandular swelling, hemorrhaging, herpes, injuries, cuts, bruises, conjunctivitis, skin conditions, and tendencies towards infection and reinfection.
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Ferrum Phos. It is made from iron phosphate and is found in blood, vein and artery walls, and capillaries. Ferrum Phos. is known as the preeminent biochemical remedy for common acute conditions. This cell salt is important for oxygenating of the blood as it carries oxygen to all parts of the body. A lack of oxygen in the blood increases circulation and creates excess heat, this is what makes Ferrum Phos. extremely valuable in times of controlling fever and inflammation. Common uses and conditions that suggests the need for Ferrum Phos. are anemia, arthritis, bedwetting, bronchitis, diabetes, cystitis, diarrhea, earache and infection, headaches, fever, inflammations, injuries, measles, mumps, nosebleeds, rheumatism, incontinence, morning sickness, stiff neck, painful periods, pneumonia, prolapse, and tinnitus. Ferrum Phos. is profoundly useful for balancing iron in the body whether it is too high or too low. It is also arguably the most important remedy to combat anemia.
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Kali Mur is the abbreviation. It is made from potassium chloride and is found in blood fibrin. “Kali Mur is the worker of the blood that forms fibrin and properly defuses it through the tissues of the body. Kali Mur. is known as the remedy for sluggish, run down conditions. It can be quite subtle in its action. This cell salt is an essential component in muscle tissue, as well as, nerve cells and brain cells. Kali Mur. can be a powerful cleanser, it plays cleanup while helping to destroy wastes as the body fights fever or infection. Common uses and conditions that suggest the need for the cell salt are chronic bronchitis, chickenpox, colds and coughs, autoimmune diseases, eustachian tube earaches, cystitis, deafness, measles, mumps, nodes, obesity, wandering joint or muscle pain, rheumatism associated with cracking joints, sore throats with laryngitis, swelling, and ill effects of vaccinations.
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Kali Phosphoricum is also recognized as Kali. Phos. and Potassium Phosphate. This cell salt is known for its impact on nerves; a sort of tranquilizer for irritable tempers, depression of every degree, worry, insomnia, and anxiety. Kali Phos. is found, as previously alluded to, in the nerves of the central nervous system and gray matter of the brain. The origin of function for these nerves and brain matters is of this cell salt’s jurisdiction. Common uses and conditions that suggest the need for Kali Phos. are allergies, asthma, bedwetting, concussion, chilblains, depression, bad breathe, canker sores, croup, diarrhea, epilepsy, neuralgia, gangrene, nervous headaches, headaches associated with menstruation, hysteria, insomnia, nosebleeds, sciatica, nightmares and night terrors, sensitive teeth, toothaches that are accompanied by frontal headaches, varicose veins, tinnitus, and whooping cough.
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This remedy is taken from potassium sulfate and is called Kali. Sulph. for short. Kali. Sulph. is quite a powerful carrier of oxygen, carrying it to all cells of the body. Because of the oxygen carrying abilities, it is significant to new cell growth, overall cellular nutrition, and has an impact upon respiration. Kali Sulph. has an impact on and an attraction for mucosal membranes throughout the body, as well as, the hair, nails and especially the skin. This cell salt is particular to the third and final stages of inflammation or resolve of disease. Common uses and conditions that suggest the use of Kali Sulph. are allergies and sinusitis, asthma, baldness, colds, coughs, rattling mucous in chest, flu, colic, constipation, dandruff, diarrhea, digestive upset, eczema, flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome, pain in limbs, neck and shoulders, wandering pains, psoriasis, rheumatism, ring worm, vertigo, vitiligo, and whooping cough. Skin conditions are considerably most common among the Kali Sulph. deficient.
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Alternatively, Mag. Phos. or magnesium phosphate. This cell salt is known as an amazing antispasmodic remedy. Magnesia Phosphorica “is abundant in the human body. It is found in bones and teeth and in the spine marrow itself, and in the muscles, the nerves, and the gray matter of the brain. Human sperm is especially rich in phosphate of Magnesia.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 106). As the only cell salt that is a magnesium based remedy, it is importance of vital importance for remedying irritability of the nervous system. Common uses and conditions that suggest the need for Mag. Phos. are colic, convulsions, cramps, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, pain, PMS, sciatica, toothache and teething pains, writer’s cramp, darting pains, whooping cough, nightly aggravations, and spasms of all kinds.
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Nat. Mur., or sodium chloride is the ninth cell salt. This remedy is known as nature’s cure for headaches as it is called for in all headaches as at least one of the remedies in a cure. Nat Mur is found in the digestive system, kidney, bladder, and the moisture components of both blood and skin. This remedy is highly versatile because of the simple abundance already required and present in the human body. It is a water distributor. It will carry water to where it needs to be and keep it in the right proportions. Sodium chloride prepared as a cell salt remedy actually helps to resolve issues that table salt may cause, including high blood pressure, bloating, and an extended craving for the taste of salt. Common uses and conditions that call for the use of the cell salt are anemia, bone and joint pain, back pain, claustrophobia, colds, coughs, flu, constipation, depression, salt cravings, diabetes, deafness, diarrhea, eyestrain, fainting spells, dryness, fever, goiter, gout, grief, headaches, heart disorders, herpes, introversion, indigestion, fever blisters, canker sores, involuntary urination, parasites, sexual version, shyness, greasy skin, loss of sense of smell, loss of sense of taste, sunstroke, varicose veins, eczema, ringworm, menopause and menstrual disorders, and irritable bowel syndrome.
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Nat. Phos., sodium phosphate, and sometimes phosphate of soda. Sodium Phosphate is the antacid of the cell salts; not only in digestion, but also in bodily fluids. A build up and overabundance of acid is a clear indicator for the need for this cell salt. “Natrum Phosphoricum does not have the widest range of uses of any of the cell salts. Its uses are rather narrow in terms of range, as they tend to fall into one of two camps: either the patient suffers from chronic digestive disorders that are based upon an abundance of acid and his or her system, or the patient is suffering from pain that can be lumped within the diagnosis of arthritis or, more commonly gouty arthritis. Conditions and symptoms that suggest the need for this cell salt are acidosis, arthritis, chronic constipation, goiter, gout, heartburn, indigestion, chronic postnasal drip, rheumatism, stomach upset, worms and other parasites, acne, conjunctivitis, and jaundice.
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Sodium sulphate or an abbreviated Nat. Sulph. Nat. Sulph. Regulates water by absorbing it so that it can be eliminated, it plays a large role in the disintegration and elimination of cells that are old or dead. This cell salt functions highly in elimination organs, the bladder, pancreas, intestines, and liver; it helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Conditions in common ailments that suggest the need for this remedy are asthma, bedwetting, costochondritis, diabetes, chronic diarrhea, flu, chronic gout, head injury, headaches and migraines, nephritis, overweight, rheumatism, sciatica, warts, liver problems, loose or huge stools, suicidal tendencies, sun sensitivity, swelling, excessive urination, vomiting of bitter matter, and seasonal affective disorder.
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“Silica” is the only alteration in spelling and it is also known as flint. “It can be found in traces in blood, bile, and urine and is contained in connective tissues throughout the body, in the spine and brain itself, in nerve tissues and membranes, in the skin, the hair, and the nails.” (McCabe, 2009, p. 137). Silica provides the body with strength and support, and is known as somewhat of a universal remedy because of the action it has on every single bodily system. It is also an amazing eliminator and cleanser. This remedy is slow and deep acting, is more often used in chronic cases than acute cases, and is needed by those who have lost the innate ability to nourish themselves. The common conditions and symptoms of those needing silica are acne, AIDS, anemia, bedwetting, body odor, boils, bone disease, bunions, carbuncles, cataracts, chronic fatigue, conjunctivitis, constipation, especially chronic, cough, diabetes, fainting, splinters, fractures, swollen glands, headaches, homesickness, infections that are slow to heal, hemorrhoids, joint pain, all kinds of injuries, cuts, keloids and scar tissue , malnutrition, neuralgia, obesity from malnutrition, passive-aggressive behavior, rheumatism, rickets, sinusitis, sweat on head and feet that is smelly, tooth decay, vaccination reactions, whitlows, shyness, timidity, and ulcers.
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McCabe, Vinton. (2009). The Healing Echo: Discovering Homeopathic Cell Salt Remedies. North Bergen, NJ: Basic Health Publications, Inc.
Scheussler’s Biochemistry: An Exploration into the Benefits of Cell Salt Remedies Hillary Barrera Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education
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